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聚焦两会 | 科技引领畜牧业新篇章
2024-03-13 18:00
2024-03-01 16:14
乘风启航 龙腾万里 | 哈泰智能年会庆典圆满举行
哈泰智能 · 年会庆典圆满举行时序更替,高瞻远瞩,再赴新程。2024年1月30日,哈泰智能年会庆典圆满举行。哈泰智能各领导及全体员工齐聚一堂,共同回首2023年,展望2024年。,时长02:58▲▲▲2023回顾短片▲▲▲时间的画卷,总在砥砺前行中铺展;精彩的华章,总在赓续奋斗中书写。2023年的点滴,有危机、有挑战、有突破,这都是哈泰人成长的见证。▲哈泰智能总经理蔡家柱致辞▲哈泰智能总经理蔡家柱在会上致辞,他提到,在外部环境面临诸多挑战,竞争更趋激烈的形势下,哈泰人团结一心,攻坚克难,取得了亮眼的成绩,形成了以哈泰智能畜牧智能化、信息化和哈泰英科高端动物医疗协同发展的战略格局。新的一年我们要坚持实干笃行,在困难面前迎难而上,在机遇面前主动出击,在风险面前积极应对,2024年再创辉煌!▲合肥市智能机器人研究院于院长致辞▲依托于研究院的孵化,哈泰才能够如此快速的成长,于院长对哈泰智能的过往成绩表示肯定并对未来发展给予希望,同时也将持续对哈泰后续的发展提供强有力的支撑。▲省猪业协会李会长致辞▲李会长表示,2023年各行各业都面临巨大的压力,包括我们自己所在的畜牧业,在这样艰难的情况下,哈泰齐心协力取得了巨大的发展和成绩,在李会长的肯定下,更加坚定了我们成为行业楷模和业绩领先者的决心和信心。优秀而伟大的企业最终依靠的是优秀的团队、优秀的员工。年会现场,对2023年度涌现出来的优秀员工、优秀管理者、突出贡献者与优秀团队进行了表彰,大家为获得表彰的优秀团队与个人送上了热烈的掌声和诚挚的祝贺。▲《You raise me up》▲▲《努力奋进的哈泰人》▲▲《采薇》▲▲《黄梅戏》▲▲《朋友》▲公司各部门、股东代表精心准备了精彩的节目,在歌舞欢乐中传递哈泰人的热情。抽奖时刻将整场晚宴的氛围成功推向最高潮,从小礼品到大奖项,每一个奖品都让现场的气氛愈加热烈。期待着在新的一年里,哈泰能够再创佳绩,大家也能够收获更多的幸运与成功。回首2023,是乘风破浪、笃行不怠展望2024,是百舸争流、奋楫者先征程漫漫亦灿灿,笃定前行亦驱驱聚沙成塔,淬炼成钢不断超越,共赢未来乘风启航,龙腾万里!
2024-02-01 10:30
守正创新 健康发展 | 哈泰智能助力安徽省猪业大会圆满召开
猪业大会为加强行业信息和技术交流,应对猪周期的挑战,进一步促进安徽省猪产业高质量和健康发展,12月14-15日,由安徽省猪业协会主办,安徽哈泰智能科技有限公司等诸多优秀企业参与协办的2023年安徽省猪业大会暨年度会员大会在合肥圆满召开。▲▲关于哈泰▲▲本次大会以“守正创新 健康发展”为主题,研讨当前生猪生产形势,举办技术讲座,凝聚行业力量,增进会员友谊,启迪行业智慧,推动安徽省养猪行业健康可持续发展。大会期间,公司展台观众络绎不绝。众多养猪从业者,养猪技术专家等行业相关人士莅临公司展台参观指导,了解公司产品,交流行业经验,探讨行业发展。通过此次大会,增进了公司与客户、养殖用户、业内同仁的交流与沟通,哈泰智能感谢各位新老朋友对公司的信任与支持。未来,哈泰智能将继续进一步提升产品质量,深耕市场,提升服务,不忘初心砥砺前行,不断为促进中国畜牧业健康发展助力。
2023-12-18 16:00
Minister Tang Renjian Meets with EU Commissioner for Agriculture
MinisterTang Renjianmet with Janusz Wojciechowski, EU Commissioner for Agriculture, in Beijing on Apr. 26. They exchanged views onfurtheringagricultural cooperation between China and the EU.Minister Tangnotedthatspanningovertwo decades, China-EUcomprehensive strategic partnership has evolved into multifacetedandall-round cooperation across diverse sectors. Bilateral mechanisms facilitating agricultural cooperation have operated smoothly, bolstering ST and people-to-people exchanges. China and the EU haveemerged as an important partnerin agriculturaltradefor each other.China hopes to work with the EU to tap cooperative potential in areas such as rural development, sustainable agricultural development, and animal disease control, as well as strengthen coordination within multilateral frameworks such as the G20 and WTO,thustakingChina-EU agricultural cooperation to a newheight.Commissioner Wojciechowski expressed his gratitude to Minister Tang for thekindreception. He said the EU seeks to engage in extensive exchanges with China,particularly in enhancingmechanisms for dialogue and cooperation, renewing cooperation plansforagricultural development, and building beautiful villages, toadvancebilateral agricultural cooperation.Vice MinisterMa Youxiang attended the meeting.
2024-04-28 00:00
Focusing on the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(NPC&CPPCC): Science And Technology Leading A New Chapter in the Livestock Industry
01The Certainty of the Future—Technology Driven Qin Yinglin: Chairman of Muyuan GroupTo promote high-quality development in the pig farming industry. Firstly, we must continuously innovate, seeking breakthroughs from the elemental points of technology to enhance pig farming techniques.Secondly, we need to strengthen epidemic disease prevention to improve production efficiency and produce high-quality pork. Thirdly, support synthetic biology technology to reduce soybean meal usage and enhance grain security.At the same time, Qin Yinglin also suggested establishing an integrated mechanism for production, education, research, and application, strengthening cooperation between scientific research institutions and enterprises, converting scientific and technological achievements into productive forces, and jointly promoting industry progress.02“Raising Good Pigs Also Requires the Development of New Productive ForcesNational Peoples Congress Deputy, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Chief Researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Yin Yulong1.Promote the cultivation of high-quality and efficient pigs2.Create an advanced demonstration area for integrated functional agriculture and animal husbandry “How to make pigs grow fast and the meat taste good? To raise good pigs, we also need to develop new productive forces. Yin Yulongs unique insights into the development of the livestock industry reveal the tremendous potential of combining science and technology with livestock farming. Yin Yulong pointed out that the development of the livestock industry must keep pace with the times and make full use of modern scientific and technological means.03Strengthen the Breeding and Promotion of Good Breeds, Increase Investment in Livestock Scientific Research Chairman Lü Aihui of Jilin Yanbian Livestock Development Group Co., Ltd. Lü Aihui suggests strengthening the breeding and promotion of good breeds and increasing investment in livestock scientific research. He advocates for the deep implementation of livestock and poultry genetic improvement programs and modern seed industry enhancement projects, and for improving the joint breeding mechanism between production, education, and research to gradually increase the self-sufficiency rate of core breeding sources. He also recommends enhancing the application of technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, the Internet of Things, and mobile internet in the livestock industry, to improve the intelligent level of barn environment control, precision feeding, animal disease monitoring, and traceability of livestock and poultry products.The HiTIAIElectronic Ear Tag is an innovative creation that blends modern technology with traditional livestock farming.HiTIAI relies on deep political, industrial, academic advantages and global market resources, focusing on the research and industrialization of smart animal husbandry software and hardware products and overall solutions. It is committed to becoming a leading international digital animal husbandry enterprise.Ourear tags are made using new materials, using medical-grade antibacterial TPU material for injection molding, whichsolves the problem of ear inflammation in livestock caused by traditional ear tags and improves weather resistance. Through mechanical engineering improvements in designfacilitatesthe fit betweenmale and female tags much better, which preventstag lossand enhancesanti-interference ability.可视耳标The advantagesof our electronic ear tag are due tohigh degree of integration and practicality. ItintegratesRFID technology, big data analysis, cloud computing, and other advanced technologies, enabling real-time collection, transmission, and processing of information about pigs.低频电子耳标At the same time, ourultra-high frequency electronic ear tags solve theproblem of low recognition of traditional electronic tags as data carriers. It ensures that tagscan be read from a distance and at high speed even unaffected by the ear or other conductors. The effective reading distance is ≥1.5m.超高频电子耳标The ultra-high frequency electronic ear tag contains a read-write encrypted electronic chip inlay encapsulated at the top of the male tag. The chip is encrypted into the global code according to the enterprise coding rules, with anti-counterfeiting, anti-copy, anti-disassembly and other anti-counterfeiting functions, thus achieving a unique identity code for pigs. Managers can view the health status of pigs, growth curves, and other data at any time through their mobile phones or computers, making more scientific and rational feeding decisions.,时长00:20
2024-03-13 18:00
HiTIAI Annual Meeting
The HiTIAIIntelligent Annual Meeting celebration was successfully heldon January 30, 2024. Leaders and all employees of HiTIAI gathered together to reflect on 2023 and look forward to 2024,时长02:58▲▲▲2023回顾短片▲▲▲The moments of 2023, with its crises, challenges, and breakthroughs, are all testimonies to the growth of the people at HiTIAI.▲Speechby the HiTIAIGeneral Manager Cai Jia Zhu▲He mentioned that despite facing numerous external challenges and increasingly fierce competition, the people at HiTIAIunited as one, overcame difficulties, and achieved impressive results. This has shaped a strategic pattern of coordinated development.In the new year, we must persist in practical and diligent work, confront difficulties head-on, seize opportunities proactively, and actively respond to risks, aiming to achieve further brilliance in 2024!▲Speech by the Director of the Hefei Institute of Intelligent Robots▲Thanks to the incubation by the Institute, HiTIAIhas been able to grow so rapidly. Director Yu affirmed HiTIAIpast achievements and expressed hope for its future development. He also pledged to continue providing strong support for HiTIAIs ongoing development.▲Speech by President Li of the Anhui Provincial Swine Industry Association▲President Li stated that in 2023, all industries, including livestock industry, faced tremendous pressures. Despite these challenges, HiTIAIworked together to achieve significant development and accomplishments. With President Lis endorsement, we are even more determined and confident to become role models and leaders in performance within the industry.Excellent companies rely on excellent teams and employees. At the annual meeting, outstanding employees, managers, contributors, and teams that emerged in 2023 were recognized. Everyone gave a warm applause and sincere congratulations to the recognized teams and individuals.▲《You raise me up》▲▲《努力奋进的哈泰人》▲▲《采薇》▲▲《黄梅戏》▲▲《朋友》▲Various departments and shareholder representatives of the company meticulously prepared wonderful performances, conveying the enthusiasm of HiTIAI people through songs and dances.The lucky draw moment successfully pushed the atmosphere of the entire dinner to its climax. From small gifts to big prizes, each prize made the atmosphere at the venue even more enthusiastic. Looking forward to the new year, we hope HiTIAIwill achieve more great accomplishments, and everyone can harvest more luck and success.回首2023,是乘风破浪、笃行不怠展望2024,是百舸争流、奋楫者先征程漫漫亦灿灿,笃定前行亦驱驱聚沙成塔,淬炼成钢不断超越,共赢未来乘风启航,龙腾万里!
2024-02-01 10:30
HiTIAI Intelligent supports the successful convening of the Anhui Province Swine Industry Conference.
HiTIAIIntelligent supports the successful convening of the Anhui Province Swine Industry Conference.To strengthen industry information and technological collaboration, and promote the high-quality and healthy development of the swine industry in Anhui Province, the 2023 Anhui Province Swine Industry Conference and Annual Membership Meeting, hosted by the Anhui Province Swine Industry Association and co-organized by many outstanding enterprises including Anhui HiTIAIIntelligent Technology Co., Ltd., was successfully held in Hefei on December 14-15.▲▲关于哈泰▲▲The theme of the conference was Uphold Integrity, Innovate, and Develop Healthily. It focused on discussing the current situation of live pig production, hosting technical lectures, consolidating industry strength, enhancing member friendship, enlightening industry wisdom, and promoting the healthy and sustainable development of the pig farming industry in Anhui Province.Through this conference, the company enhanced its exchange and communication with customers, breeding users, and industry colleagues. HiTIAI is grateful for the trust and support of all the new and old friends to the company. In the future, HiTIAI will continue to improve product quality, deepen market penetration, enhance services, continuously contributing to the healthy development of Chinas livestock industry.
2023-12-18 16:00
Deputy Mayor of Hefei, Li Mingshan, along with his delegation, visited HiTIAI Intelligent to conduct investigate and survey.
On the afternoon of February 29th, the Deputy Mayor of Hefei City, Li Mingshan, along with the Deputy County Head of Changfeng, Ni Zhibo, led the main responsible comrades from relevant departments to visit the subsidiary of HiTIAIIntelligent, Zhongke HataiSmart Factory, to conduct research and provide guidance. The purpose of this investigateis to gain an in-depth understanding of the enterprises production and operation status, to guide the enterprise in innovative development, and to promote the sustained and healthy development of Changfeng Countys economy and society.Li Mingshan first visited the ear tag workshop production line at Zhongke Hatai.Afterwards, he toured the HiTIAIIntelligent product exhibition hall and expressed admiration for the various intelligent products displayed.After learning about the companys products excellent performance in both domestic and international markets, Li Mingshan encouraged HiTIAIto persist in innovation leadership, aim at the forefront of technology, gather high-end talents, strengthen technological RD, continually enhance core competitiveness, and strive to excel and strengthen in niche markets and key links of the industry chain.The investigate and survey of Li Mingshans delegation reflect the high importance and warm concernofthe government.HiTIAIwill stay continuously innovate and contribute to the development of digital agriculture in our country.
2023-03-01 16:15
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